Personal Assistant Services

shopping for the elderly PA

Bathing, Grooming, Dressing and Hygiene
Our direct care workers are well trained to assist our consumers with bathing, grooming, dressing and personal hygiene.  The practice of cleanliness stimulates circulation and also goes deeper to help our clients refresh their spirit, stay positive, feel relaxed and confident.

Transferring and Positioning
Our direct care workers are well trained to move and place our consumers in correct posture positions especially if they have Arthritis or if an injury is too painful. Proper transferring and positioning from or into beds and chairs is very important for their health and safety.

Toileting, Mouth care and Incontinence Care
Our direct care workers are well trained to maintain the dignity and self-esteem of our consumers with toileting, brushing their teeth and in other bathroom activities. Through this caring approach, we lessen the embarrassment consumers may feel associated with incontinence and need for toileting assistance. We also help keep our consumers’ bathroom area clean and the floors free from puddles to avoid accidents.

Meal preparation & Feeding
Many of our consumers do not have the ability to shop for groceries and fix a well-balanced meal. Our well trained direct care workers can prepare hot, delicious, nutritious meals based on their clients’ preferences to help them get the proper nutrition they need.  

Medication and Bill Payment Reminders
Although our employees cannot administer medications, they can help ensure that clients take their own medications as prescribed by their doctors. Our compassionate direct care workers can assist with opening medication containers, reading labels, and reminding consumers when it is time to take a dose.

Our direct care workers can also assist you with your calendar reminders and remind you when bills are due and can assist you in paying for utilities and other household essentials.

Laundry Assistance
Our dedicated direct care workers will tend to the laundry either at their clients’ homes or a laundry facility, and will wash, dry, fold, iron, and put clothing away. We work to ensure that each client’s laundry is done according to his or her preferences. If needed, we can even help you choose your outfits for the day.

Light Housekeeping
Our light housekeeping services cover most domestic tasks to demonstrate how much we care. These light household chores can seem heavy if you have to do all of them yourself, in pain or cannot move around easily. Our dedicated direct care workers will be very happy to assist you with vacuuming, dusting, sweeping and mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.